What is this place?

March 13, 2021

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Hey, I'm Matej. Hindsight Supply is my tinkering spot. It's mostly going to be about 3D printing, mechanical keyboards and woodworking, but I'm letting my interest meander, and I love to learn new stuff. We'll see!

Two things happened at the beginning of 2020. We moved into a house with a garage, and we were (for obvious reasons) stuck at home. I also found myself spending late evenings in the depths of woodworking YouTube. It wasn't long before I followed up with tool purchases and started building things.

Later in the year, the weather turned too cold to work in the unheated garage, so I found a new rabbit hole — mechanical keyboards. I furnished a basement room with more workspace, bought a 3D printer, soldering iron, and lots of tiny keyboard parts.

So far, I'm thoroughly enjoying learning new things as I build, and I'm hoping to share this with my future self, friends, and anyone willing to take a peek. I'm working on everything in the open, including this website.